Mal's Granddad came for a visit. While he was here, we visited Rosie Mae's Alpaca farm in Wildwood, Georgia. Inside the gift shop, we bought coffee and alpaca feed and the person warned us that if we hear the alpaca start to gurgle, we should run because that means they are about to spit!
On another day, we ventured to the top of Lookout Mountain to the Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park. Mal loved looking at the cannons, Chris enjoyed climbing the rocks, and I loved the view of the surrounding mountains and city below. They had several trails and a small museum in the old fort. Near the end of our visit, we came upon several butterflies that found us very interesting!
At the top of Falling Water Falls, I held onto Mal's hand as my dad and Chris leaned over the edge of the waterfall. It was beautiful and terrifying all at once.